Birthday Dinner at Sparkling Bistro in Munich

May 23 2023

Celebrating the husband’s birthday with a nice dinner out in the city.

Amuse bouche of green beans and tuna, jalapeno

Austrian asparagus. ramson. ferment/ Marchfeld Spargel . Bärlauch . Ferment

Bread with mushroom powder butter

Faroe Norway lobster. marcona almond. vinegar tree/ Färöer Kaisergranat . Marcona Mandel . Essigbaum

Pannonian morel. goose liver. Tokaij/ Pannonische Morchel . Tokaij . Gänseleber

Brittany turbot. calf’s head. chives/ Bretagne Steinbutt . Kalbskopf . Schnittlauch

Salzkammergut Wagyu. peter kunze onion. celery/ Salzkammergut Wagyu. Peter Kunze Zwiebel . Sellerie

Munich rhubarb. oats. turnip/ Thalkirchner Rhabarber . Hafer . Olong

wolfgangsee cottage cheese. lemon from castel schönbrunn/ Wolfgangsee Joghurt . Ingwer . Bucheckern

Petit trois: Madeline, Frankfurter Kranz, creme brulee

What a nice dinner out, the food was delectable, the service was top and the wines were exquisite. The restaurant is within the amelienpassage, a bit hidden and away from the main streets. the restaurant is quite small with only a few tables on each side of the entrance, so it is quite an intimate space.

Restaurant Sparkling Bistro

Amalienpassage Eingang, Amalienstraße 89, Türkenstraße 86a, 80799 München